
The price of the vaccine includes the vaccine, vaccination advice, the injection fee and the office fee. A Kanta register fee of 3 € is added to the price to all customers who have a Finnish social security number. At Vaccine Clinics most vaccines are constantly available, and we serve you without an appointment. We recommend making an appointment for a travel consultation. Vaccination is a preventive activity and is not compensated or reimbursed by Kela.

Note that the price of the vaccine is the price of one dose of vaccine – the vaccination series may contain several doses! We transfer all vaccinations to OmaKanta (3 € / visit).

We reserve the right to price changes. Read more about the free vaccines included in the national vaccination program on the THL page.


Vaccines price for one dose
Dengue fever vaccine 176 €
Hepatitis A+B vaccine - for adults and children 16 years and older 108 €
Hepatitis A vaccine - for adults and children 16 years and older 112 €
Hepatitis B vaccine - for adults and children 16 years and older 93 €
Hepatitis A+B vaccine - for children aged 1-15 years 98 €
Hepatitis A vaccine - for children aged 1-15 years 83 €
Hepatitis B vaccine - for children aged 0 -15 years 73 €
HPV or human papillomavirus vaccine (Gardasil 9) 245 €
Influenza vaccine 40 €
Influenza vaccine, high-dose (for adults over 60 years) - Not available 85 €
Influenza vaccine, nasal spray vaccine for children aged 2-17 - Not available 65 €
Japanese encephalitis vaccine 199 €
Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine (Td) 45 €
Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccine (Tdap) 68 €
Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and polio vaccine (Tdap-IPV) - Not available at the moment 77 €
Yellow fever vaccine (incl. certificate of vaccination) 104 €
Cholera vaccine, oral, inactivated (NOTE: price includes both doses) 135 €
Cholera vaccine, oral, inactivated (booster dose that is given after basic series) 90 €
Cholera vaccine, oral, live and attenuated (only from Ateneuminkuja Vaccine Clinic) 135 €
Covid-19 vaccine 145 €
Typhoid vaccine, oral capsule - Price includes three capsules 78 €
Typhoid vaccine, injection 78 €
Meningococcal vaccine ACWY 105 €
Meningococcal vaccine B 178 €
MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) 65 €
Pneumococcal vaccine PCV20 140 €
Polio vaccine 59 €
Rabies vaccine 135 €
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine for adults over 50 years 275 €
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine during pregnancy 275 €
TBE vaccine (‘tick vaccine’) - for adults and children 16 years and older 60 €
TBE vaccine (‘tick vaccine’) - children aged 1-15 years 55 €
Varicella vaccine 120 €
Shingles vaccine NOTE! Price for one dose 262 €

Services and products
Traveler’s vaccination and counseling service (includes a vaccination plan and, if necessary, one prescription for malaria prophylaxis), by appointment - If multiple prescriptions needed, each additional prescriptions +25€ 45 €
Injection fee (medicine prescribed by a doctor - by appointment) 35 €
Injection fee (customer brings their own vaccine, without an appointment) - If multiple vaccines, each additional injection +15 €/injection 35 €
Certificate of vaccination signed by nurse (1 vaccine) 25 €
Certificate of vaccination signed by nurse (multiple vaccines) by appointment 55 €
Certificate of vaccination signed by doctor 120 €
International Certificate of Vaccination ("Yellow Card") 8 €
International Certificate of Vaccination ("Yellow Card") signed by a doctor if yellow fever vaccine cannot be administered for medical reasons 60 €
Care Plus DEET 40 % insect repellent spray 60 ml 13.90 €